Nama Produk: Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Sanitizers Test Paper
Harga: Rp.375.000,00 (Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu)
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Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Sanitizers Test Paper | Tes Kit Uji Cepat Cairan Pembersih
Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Test Paper provides a simple, reliable, and economical means to measure the concentration of Quaternary Sanitizers, including n-alkyldimethylbenzyl and/or n-alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, and Rocall II. With color matches at ppm (parts per million), the test paper measures concentrations between 0-400ppm, detecting exhaustion of solutions that should be replaced as well as helping to avoid using excessive amounts of sanitizing agents.
Federal, State and Local health regulations require users of Quaternary Ammonium Sanitizer Solutions to have appropriate test kits available to verify the strength of sanitizer solutions. Sanitizer solutions are essential in the food service industry to ensure that sanitizers are at the proper concentration specified by the individual manufacturer.
Each carton contains 10 kits, each consisting of a 15-foot roll of test paper and matching color chart
Product Direction:
Dip the strip into the sanitizing solution for 10 seconds, then instantly compare the resulting color with the enclosed color chart which matches concentrations of ppm. Test solution should be between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact your Local, State or Federal Health Department for Quaternary Ammonium Sanitizer concentration requirements. These concentrations may vary depending on your specific application.
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Harga: Rp.375.000,00 (Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu)
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Keterangan Produk:
Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Sanitizers Test Paper | Tes Kit Uji Cepat Cairan Pembersih
Hydrion QT-10 Quaternary Test Paper provides a simple, reliable, and economical means to measure the concentration of Quaternary Sanitizers, including n-alkyldimethylbenzyl and/or n-alkyl dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, and Rocall II. With color matches at ppm (parts per million), the test paper measures concentrations between 0-400ppm, detecting exhaustion of solutions that should be replaced as well as helping to avoid using excessive amounts of sanitizing agents.
Federal, State and Local health regulations require users of Quaternary Ammonium Sanitizer Solutions to have appropriate test kits available to verify the strength of sanitizer solutions. Sanitizer solutions are essential in the food service industry to ensure that sanitizers are at the proper concentration specified by the individual manufacturer.
Each carton contains 10 kits, each consisting of a 15-foot roll of test paper and matching color chart
Product Direction:
Dip the strip into the sanitizing solution for 10 seconds, then instantly compare the resulting color with the enclosed color chart which matches concentrations of ppm. Test solution should be between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact your Local, State or Federal Health Department for Quaternary Ammonium Sanitizer concentration requirements. These concentrations may vary depending on your specific application.
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Email ke / atau hubungi 085310135381, 085779721597, atau 087889441075
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